
Evaluate to better build the agroecological transition
As the academic year draws to a close, we share with you some of the results and successes achieved on the ground by our teams and partners in 2022. During this period, the successful launch of our new 2022-2026 development programme has been at… +
Santé femmes.
Since 2006, Les Mutualités Libres and Louvain Coopération have been working together to create and develop health mutuals in Benin, Togo and Burundi, in order to guarantee access to healthcare for the entire population. These structures play a… +
RDC RA 2022
As the academic year draws to a close, we share with you some of the results and successes achieved on the ground by our teams and partners in 2022. During this period, the successful launch of our new 2022-2026 development programme has been at… +
« Je trouve formidable de changer positivement la vie des gens »
Michel Gnon is responsible for our programmes promoting sustainable food systems and mangrove ecosystems for Benin and Togo. Last week, he was in Louvain-la-Neuve. This is our chance to introduce him to you. LC: What does your job involve? MG:… +
Renforcer la capacité d’action des étudiants au sein de la société
Louvain Coopération works actively with students at UCLouvain, to strengthen their capacity for individual and collective action within society. The main themes addressed focus on strong and transformative values: feminism, ecology, anti-racism and… +
The General Assembly of Louvain Coopération was held on 15 June. It was an opportunity to review the highlights of 2022, but also to discuss the major projects that will define the life of our NGO in the coming years. From the new projects… +
Créer des potagers pour mieux nourrir les familles
As the academic year draws to a close, we share with you some of the results and successes achieved on the ground by our teams and partners in 2022. During this period, the successful launch of our new 2022-2026 development programme has been at… +
Rémi Alliot has just returned from a three-month assignment with our National Office in Madagascar. Thanks to his experience in association management, he supported our local team as a volunteer. He talks to us about the experience. LC: Why did… +
Construire de nouvelles masculinités positives
As the academic year draws to a close, we share with you some of the results and successes achieved on the ground by our teams and partners in 2022. During this period, the successful launch of our new 2022-2026 development programme has been at… +
Produire un riz local et durable
As the academic year draws to a close, we would like to share with you some of the results and successes achieved on the ground by our teams and partners in 2022. During this period, the successful launch of our new 2022-2026 development programme… +
Étudiant Solidaire
Join the community of UCLouvain students working for sustainable and responsible solidarity within Louvain Coopération, become a Solidarity Student! A contribution of €12 per academic year is all you need to become a Solidarity Student. Your… +
Concours photo célébrant la Solidarité
Notre grand concours photo pour célébrer la Solidarité est de retour cette année ! Nous invitons tous les étudiants de l’UCLouvain à nous envoyer leurs meilleurs clichés afin de choisir celle qui ornera la prochaine affiche de notre programme « … +