Une ONG universitaire

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University NGO


Louvain Coopération is the development
cooperation NGO of the UCLouvain.

This university specificity is reflected in its critical approach, continuous learning and the involvement of members of the university community. Particular attention is paid to the learning and knowledge that exists and is produced during the actions implemented, and to the way in which this is taken into account in operational terms and disseminated.


The specificity of Louvain Coopération lies in mobilising the human resources and knowledge of our partners and the university community to tackle global development issues, willingly engaging in interventions with innovative or experimental approaches. This work takes the form of involvement in defining subjects and in committees monitoring studies, research, dissertations and doctoral theses related to our work.

In Belgium, Louvain Coopération has developed a strong involvement in the university community both within the curriculum, through active contributions and the co-implementation of pedagogical and service-learning approaches in several courses, and outside the curriculum, where it co-implements global citizenship education actions for students and pre-mobility support and training activities. Louvain Coopération is also a dynamic member of the Chair of Social and Solidarity Economy in the South and the Chair of Ethical Service Learning at the UCLouvain, as well as an active and involved associate partner of the CircleU alliance.



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