Menabe Region
direct beneficiaries
in 2023
Madagascar, an island state in southern Africa and the fifth largest island in the world, has a wealth of resources. Its population is young and better trained than in other least developed countries. It is a mixture of many ethnic groups, but there are no serious tensions. The level of political violence is also relatively low compared with its continental neighbours.
Madagascar has vast tracts of arable land that are not used for agriculture. Its subsoil abounds in abundant, rare and little-exploited natural resources. And it has an exceptional natural heritage.
Yet Madagascar remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with 78% of its population living on less than €2 a day.
The state of food safety is particularly worrying:
- 11 million people are undernourished (2017-2019).
- 1.6 million children are stunted.
- And more than one child in 10 dies before the age of 5.
In terms of employment, the country's main source of income is agriculture:
- 78% of the working population is employed in the agricultural sector.
- The fishing sector has great potential, but is relatively unexploited and subject to competition from foreign industrial fleets.
Madagascar is one of the countries most exposed to climate change in the world:
- The country will lose 4% of its GDP by 2050 if nature continues to deteriorate at the same rate as today.
- 25% of mangrove forests have been destroyed in 23 years.
Our actions
Some results in 2023
farmers trained in agroecology.
of reforested land (mangroves and dry forests).
fishermen trained and supported in the administrative and operational management of their cooperative.
adults taught to read and write.