Louvain Coopération moves to integrate the new Mundo Louvain-La-Neuve. A new eco-designed and eco-managed workspace, dedicated to associations, NGOs and social enterprises.
Our Story
Louvain Cooperation redefines its vision, mission and values. Collaborative work involving all the bodies of the association, discover them here.
The UNI4COOP consortium, made up of Louvain Coopération, ULB-Coopération, Eclosio and Fucid, has once again received the trust of Belgian cooperation for its new five-year program. An ambitious program, strengthening synergies and joint actions in the North and the South.
IngénieuxSud, the development education programme of Louvain Coopération and the UCLouvain, receives the Global Education Innovation Award 2017. This European prize rewards the work developed each year by IngénieuxSud for students, their vision of development and technical solutions co-constructed with the countries of the South.
Louvain Coopération takes part, with its partner the National Union of Free Mutuals (MLOZ), in the international conference on mutual health insurance in Abidjan.
Creation of the Uni4Coop consortium. Louvain Coopération joins forces with 3 other French-speaking university NGOs; ADG, FUCID and ULB-coopération around a common programme. This new programme includes all the projects carried out by the 4 NGOs, but also new joint actions which are developed in the North as well as in the South.
The Saint-François d'Assise hospital in Belo is inaugurated by Louvain Coopération, its local partners and many Malagasy political and religious representatives. This health center has a maternity ward and an operating theatre.
End of the project "Decide freely" in Ecuador, which raises awareness among young people about their sexual rights. More than 4,000 young people and 1,800 mothers benefited from the project.
Louvain Coopération au Développement becomes Louvain Coopération. It is the most important Belgian university NGO. In Belgium and in the field, it is recognised for the quality of its work in favour of the populations of the South.
Completion of projects in Morocco after a positive evaluation by the donors.
Completion of projects in Zimbabwe, Burkina-Faso and Brazil, the objectives having been achieved.
The NGO's activities and sources of funding for projects are diversifying (support from the European Union, the Belgian Survival Fund, etc.). Emergence of Development Education activities and of the Training and Development Support Unit (AFD) which develops multimedia training tools adapted to the needs of teachers and students from both North and South.
New five-year programme, comprising more than 20 actions, approved by the Belgian Cooperation.
Establishment of coordination offices in Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Bolivia.
Merger of ADRAI (Association for Development through Research and Integrated Action) and Louvain Développement. UCL's Board of Trustees recognizes Louvain Développement as the official development NGO of the university.
The Belgian Cooperation (DGD) supports a first program of 7 projects led by the consortium composed of Louvain Développement, ADRAI and five other associations close to the UCL.
Creation of Louvain Développement, a non-profit association bringing together six associations close to the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain): ADRAI, FOMULAC, CMT, SCMTM, Grands Lacs, Medevuc.
The association was created within the Faculty of Agronomy of the Catholic University of Louvain, under the name "ADRI" which later became "ADRAI" (Association for Development through Research and Integrated Action). ADRAI extends its expertise to the medical field, while the European Union and the Belgian Cooperation recognise and finance the association.