Journal Devlop'


Devlop' le journal de Louvain Coopération


Our Devlop’ news journal aims to be the voice of our programs, our wishes, our challenges... in the North and in the South.

Twice a year, we publish this 12-page illustrated newsletter. Centered on one of our work themes or on an area of ​​intervention, it informs you about our news, reports testimonies from people affected by our projects and explains our approach and our working methods.

Very good reading!



If you would like to obtain a Devlop’ in paper version, contact Pascale Miller. She will be happy to answer you, within the limits of our possibilities.

couverture du journal 18

Young people who are aware of and committed to the future

Journal Devlop' 17 - Apprendre un métier, pour un avenir digne

Learning a trade for a dignified future

Dévlop' 16 - la santé des femmes n'a pas de prix

Women's health is priceless

Journal Devlop'15 : Défendre la nature et ceux qui en vivent

Defending nature and those who live off it

Journal Devlop'14 : ces femmes qui se tiennent debout

These women who stand

Journal Devlop'13 : Bilan perspectives et ambitions

Assessment of perspectives and ambitions

Covid 19 et ses conséquences dans le sud

Covid 19 and its consequences in the south