
Etuveuses de riz.
Au Togo, dans la région des Savanes, Louvain Coopération soutient plus de 120 femmes étuveuses de riz, dont l’activité est désormais plus rentable. La prochaine étape est d’augmenter le rendement, tout en diminuant l’impact écologique négatif de… +
louv'ID 2018
Après s’être questionné sur la mixité culturelle et les identités féminines, le festival Louv’ID revient pour sa troisième édition avec le thème « Identités plurielles : au-delà des frontières ». Dans un contexte plus que jamais mondialisé, ce… +
Campagne de sensibilisation au Bénin
La grande campagne de solidarité 1+1, organisée avec UCLouvain démarre aujourd'hui! Notre objectif? Sensibiliser et promouvoir le dépistage du diabète de type 2 dans les 7 pays d’action de notre ONG. L'UCLouvain s'engage à doubler les dons de… +
Chèque Mada
The former IngénieuxSud Maragascar group has generously donated the funds raised for its 2020 to 2022 project, to enable Louvain Coopération's Madagascan team to continue the changes put in place. IngénieuxSud is a project-course organised by… +
More than 120 million. That's the estimated number of children currently living on the streets around the world. April 12 marks the International Day dedicated to them. An opportunity to highlight the strength and resilience of these children, but… +
fonds solidaire
The Solidarity Fund is a call for projects aimed at UCLouvain students who have registered as Solidarity Students and wish to develop projects in Belgium or in the Global South. Last month, two projects were selected to benefit from the Fund.… +
Madagascar environnement
Over the last 23 years, Madagascar has lost 25% of its mangrove forests. Faced with this alarming degradation, Louvain Coopération is actively involved in preserving these vital ecosystems, which are essential both for local populations and for the… +
Femme au Bénin
Every day, around the world, 830 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. In Benin, a country marked by one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, Louvain Coopération stands as a shield to defend women's health, regardless of their… +
Our two cyclists, Yonas and Corentin, are still continuing their journey towards the East. We left them in Iran, where they decided to separate temporarily. Let's discover some of their adventures! For four months already, Yonas and Corentin have… +
Escape game
This February a brand new escape game will be setting up in Louvain-la-Neuve. The aim? Solve riddles scattered around the city in a limited amount of time to unlock the secret of a cursed clock. Louvain Coopération, the Maison du Développement… +
Maria Eugénia
Maria Eugenia Castañares Gonzales represents the Alliance Libre sans Violence, a movement active in defending the rights of Bolivian women. She answers Devlop''s questions. LC: Why is it so important to fight for women's rights in Bolivia? MCG:… +
We left Yonas and Corentin at the Georgian border a month and a half ago. Let's find out what has happened to our two committed bikers since then Yonas and Corentin have been traveling east for a little over three months now. As a reminder, these… +