Insertion socio-professionnelle
Louvain Coopération promeut le développement personnel, social et économique des individus, en vue de leur autonomisation. Dans nos actions, l’insertion professionnelle se décline en milieu urbain, avec les enfants ou les jeunes adultes en situation de rue en RDC. En zone rurale ou péri-urbaine, elle complète le soutien à l’entrepreneuriat, en promouvant des systèmes d’apprentissage par l’immersion professionnelle.
Nos actions
Our goal: To help improve the well-being of street children in Kinshasa and Bukavu and enable them to become socially and professionally integrated and reunited with their families in the long term.
To achieve this, we work with our local partners to meet the children's basic needs by offering shelter, food and healthcare to those who need it.
We provide them with psychosocial support from a multi-disciplinary team (psychologists, social workers, etc.) who receive regular training to ensure the quality of their work.
We raise community awareness of children's rights and work to reunite these children with their families whenever possible.
At the same time, we support the socio-professional integration of young people living on the streets by guiding them in their choice of profession and offering them vocational training courses, both long and modular. We organise internships, incubations, apprenticeships with craftsmen and accompany these young people in their professional integration (employment or self-employment).
Partners :
- Lisanga Mpo ya Bokolisa Mboka/Ndako Ya Bbiso « NYB »
- Œuvre de Reclassement et de Protection des Enfants de la Rue « ORPER »
- Don Bosco Maison Papy
- Don Bosco Bukavu