Floods in South Kivu: let’s support reconstruction

Floods in South Kivu: let’s support reconstruction
In May this year, torrential rain caused very serious flooding and landslides, sweeping away entire villages in South Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo). More than 400 people died and thousands more lost their homes, fields and animals.... Louvain Coopération is launching a fundraising campaign to help the survivors get back on their feet.
On 04 and 05 May this year, nature ran riot in South Kivu. Torrential rains caused very serious flooding, washing away entire villages in the Kalehe territory, precisely where we carry out some of our actions. More than 400 people lost their lives. Many of them were taking part in our actions.

Jolie Nankafu escaped the disaster. She says: "Our whole village suffered huge losses in human life and livelihoods. 75 members of my extended family died, as well as the 2 workers who worked in my small fishing business on Lake Kivu.
My house, my small shop and my entire plot of land are destroyed. I am now living in the camp for disaster victims (internally displaced people), a life I had never dreamed of. The camp is close to my former home, which is covered in large stones and a layer of mud over 4 metres thick. A few humanitarian organisations are currently helping us with tents, clothes and food. I'd like to restart an economic activity and get by, creating my own source of income to meet my family's main needs. Then I'll be able to rebuild my house and send my children to school."
To get by, families like Jolie's have to rebuild and develop new livelihoods. We cannot abandon them!
Together, we are therefore going to set up small businesses or distribute the necessary tools for those who wish to resume their trade. We will also provide them with agricultural kits, consisting of tools and seeds, to see food crops revived as quickly as possible. Disaster-stricken families will also receive animals (goats, rabbits, chickens...) to set up small livestock farms and gain easy access to manure as a natural fertiliser.
Alone, we will not be able to do this. Your generosity is therefore essential. Thanks to you, 750 families will be able to get back on their feet.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.