Specific care for women accounts for 15% of our mutual insurers' operations

Submitted by admin on Tue 13/08/2024 - 10:05

Since 2006, Mutualités Libres and Louvain Coopération have been working together to create and develop health mutuals to guarantee access to healthcare for the entire population. These structures play a vital role in women's health. Christian Horemans, International Affairs Expert at the Union nationale des Mutualités Libres, and Brice Titipo, Head of the Access to Healthcare and Health Promotion Programme in West Africa for Louvain Coopération, talk about our joint health projects. Interview.

LC: Why did Mutualités Libres want to get involved in health and social protection in the South?

C.H.: As a mutual, solidarity is in our DNA. So it seemed logical to us to put our expertise at the service of Louvain Coopération's projects, in an intermutualist and intercontinental spirit. Access to healthcare is a basic right. However, in the countries where we work with LC, only 10 to 20% of the population benefit from state health cover. Contributing to improving the well-being and security of families gives us great satisfaction.

LC: How does the development of mutual insurance companies in the South help to improve women's lives?

C.H.: First and foremost, mutual insurance companies provide financial access to quality healthcare. What's more, with the carnet de mutuelle, it's easier for women mutualists to receive treatment or have their children treated. Mutuals can also play a role in prevention and health promotion initiatives, which can also target women. Finally, the democratic structure of mutuals gives women the opportunity to be represented. In fact, some mutuals are run entirely by women.