Fight against gender-based violence
Worldwide, nearly one in three women are victims of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime (WHO). There are still many more of them who suffer psychological or economic violence. This violence knows no borders or socio-economic barriers. And conflicts, hunger and even the lack of economic prospects still restrict women's rights.
Impact of violence on women's social participation
Violence leads to a marked exclusion of women from the public space, confining them to total financial dependence on their husbands. This situation not only limits their autonomy but also reduces their ability to actively participate in society.
More vulnerable women
- In South Kivu, the abuse of their bodies has become a weapon of war.
- In Bolivia, domestic violence is more the norm than the exception.
- In Benin, only 40% of adult women know how to read and write.
- In Cambodia, attacks on very young girls and gang rapes are becoming more and more frequent.
- In the DRC, adolescent girls who are pregnant against their will and outside of marriage are kicked out of their families, without resources.
- Wherever we work in rural areas, most women, who actively participate in agricultural work, do not have the income from this activity.
Our interventions
At Louvain Cooperation, in collaboration with our partners and supported by the expertise of numerous academics, we are committed to combating these inequalities. Our efforts are focused on:
- Female entrepreneurship:
women are supported in the development of dignified and viable economic activities, in order to become financially independent. - Literacy:
adult women who have not gone to school can take literacy classes. - Raising awareness about sexual and reproductive health:
young women are informed about their rights regarding sexuality and reproductive health to prevent them from having too early or unwanted pregnancies. - Psychosocial support for women victims of violence:
they are supported by professionals, participate in discussion groups and are supported in creating an economic activity in order to have an income.
We need your solidarity
Your support is crucial. So that every sister, daughter, mother, grandmother... can assert their rights.
I participate
up to €15/month
(€8 after tax deduction)
I participate
up to €20
(€11 after tax deduction)
I participate
up to €45
(€25 after tax deduction)
I participate
up to €70
(€38,5 after tax deduction)