Become a Solidarity Student!

Étudiant Solidaire

Become a Solidarity Student!

Résaux sociaux

Join the community of UCLouvain students working for sustainable and responsible solidarity within Louvain Coopération, become a Solidarity Student!

A contribution of €12 per academic year is all you need to become a Solidarity Student. Your registration allows you to support a Louvain Coopération project and to contribute to and benefit from the Fonds Solidaire. In fact, from 10 November 2023 to 10 February 2024, you will be able to propose a solidarity project in Belgium or in the Global South, to the Fonds Solidaire jury. 

In 2022-2023, the 1,206 Solidarity Students contributed to the restoration of 32 hectares of mangrove forests in Madagascar. This project, led by Louvain Coopération, is essential in the fight against climate change, as mangroves are one of the ecosystems that store the most carbon. In 2023-2024, part of the money raised thanks to the Étudiants Solidaires will be dedicated to the socio-professional integration of young people living on the streets in Kinshasa.

Two Étudiants Solidaires projects will also see the light of day in the coming months, thanks to the Fonds Solidaire. The IngénieuxSud group, made up of Mélinda, Camille, Tom and Lydie, wants to build an ecological oven for the ASPEL NGO in Benin to help students with their training. Maxime, meanwhile, will be drilling a borehole to bring drinking water to a village in western Cameroon. 

Register now! 

To join us, two options: 

1. When you register at UCLouvain, tick the "Solidarity Student" box. The €12 will automatically be added to your minerval. 

2. Via the form available here. You will need to pay the €12 into the Louvain Coopération account to confirm your registration. 

Consult our site for more information. 


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