Benin: Esther informs young women about sexuality

Benin: Esther informs young women about sexuality
In Benin, Louvain Coopération stands as a shield to defend women's health, regardless of their financial means. At local level, we support community health mutuals in their general operations, but also in awareness-raising initiatives. These structures also play a role in informing women about sexual and reproductive health.
In northern Benin, Esther Sékou Kabataka raises awareness of sexual health among young girls. Addressing the causes and consequences of sexuality is an essential activity in Benin. Indeed, this country is marked by one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world.
Esther organises workshops in schools and even in public squares, to also reach girls who have dropped out of school. This initiative has a dual benefit: informing young girls about sexually transmitted diseases and educating them about the consequences of sexuality. She explains: "Today, I've noticed that many diseases due to sexual health are invading our society. It is with this in mind that I have committed myself to fighting this scourge".
Thanks to this initiative, within the Esther community, a growing number of young girls are now informed about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The young girls who have been educated also become spokespersons for other young girls, to whom they pass on their knowledge on this subject. The workshops cover a range of topics, including: ‘What sexually transmitted diseases do you know about? How are these diseases transmitted? What can you do to avoid these diseases? How do you live with someone living with HIV?..."
Esther's aim is to raise awareness in every village in the commune, right down to the last, in order to reach the widest possible audience. Despite the need for this activity, she nevertheless points out that there is a lack of working equipment and the means to travel.
To help support this type of initiative, Louvain Coopération is launching a campaign to raise funds to support projects to promote women's rights around the world. Our aim is to raise €30,000 to support 750 women.
Every contribution counts in our mission for women's empowerment, education, access to healthcare and economic equality. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your generosity and commitment to changing lives.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you