Maladies non-transmissibles
Louvain Coopération intervient dans la prévention et la prise en charge médicale et psycho-sociale de ces maladies au niveau des soins de santé primaires, via des formations et du suivi du personnel médical, paramédical et social, et travaille au sein des communautés en développant des actions de sensibilisation, visant un soutien des patients et une déstigmatisation de ces maladies.
Nos actions

Our goal is to improve the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services, as well as general prevention of noncontagious diseases, taking into account the differential impact on men and women in the regions of Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum.
To achieve this, in collaboration with our local partners, we focus on strengthening the institutional capacities of referral hospitals and health centres. We provide ongoing training to healthcare personnel on the management of mental illnesses, as well as to volunteers to improve social work at the community level.
Additionally, support groups for parents/guardians of patients and peer support groups are established. To destigmatize these illnesses, public and community information campaigns on noncontagious diseases and mental health are organized. We are also engaged in broader advocacy efforts, advocating for the rights of patients.
We develop holistic and multidisciplinary care for patients with mental health disorders.
We work on producing evidence-based information for program development and policy advocacy. To this end, we conduct surveys on knowledge, attitudes, and practices.
To successfully implement these actions, we foster collaborations with civil society organizations, institutions, and the Cambodian and international academic community.
- Preventive Medicine Department (PMD)
- Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (DMHSA)
- Transcultural Psycho-social Organisation (TPO)
- Social Services of Cambodia (SSC)
- Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH)
- Douleur Sans Frontières (DSF) Humanity and Inclusion (HI)
- Saint Paul Institute (SPI) University of Washington (UW)
- Chamkar Leu Referral Hospital

Notre objectif est de renforcer les capacités individuelles et collectives à revendiquer et à faire valoir leurs droits à la santé et à une vie sans violence à travers des espaces participatifs et de rencontre pour le dialogue, le plaidoyer, le suivi et l’exigibilité, contribuant ainsi à améliorer la régulation de la santé et de la violence.
Pour y parvenir, avec nos partenaires locaux, nous adoptons une approche fondée sur les droits, les modèle de prévention et de prise en charge de soins chroniques, ainsi que l’humanisation des soins pour les patients souffrant de maladies non transmissibles. Elle se concentre aussi sur la santé positive, la santé familiale, communautaire et interculturelle, la promotion d’une masculinité positive et un modèle relationnel de bientraitance et de protection.
Nous veillons au renforcement de la qualité des services de santé par la formation continue du personnel sanitaire et le développement de protocoles et d'instruments pour la gestion intégrée des soins de santé et des risques liés aux maladies on-transmissibles et à la violence basée sur le genre. Nous promouvons l’autosoin et l'adhésion au traitement des patients, et proposons des services centrés sur le patient pour améliorer leur satisfaction à l'égard des services de santé.
Nous développons des compétences et des habitudes pour un mode de vie sain dans les communautés éducatives (étudiants, enseignants, parents) à travers l’intégration pédagogique des thématiques dans les plans de cours. Des promoteurs de la santé formés mènent, par ailleurs des actions de sensibilisation du grand public aux thématiques dans des activités d'information et de cohésion sociale.
Au sein des communautés locales, nous formons des acteurs relais et des jeunes leaders pour la promotion de la santé entre pairs.
Les personnes présentant des facteurs de risque sont mises en contact avec les services et acteurs de la santé adéquats.
Un plaidoyer en faveur de plans et de programmes visant à favoriser l'accès et l'utilisation des services de santé par le biais de plates-formes et de réseaux est également mené.
Partenaires : Aprosar et Esperanza Bolivia

Our aim is to offer quality healthcare with a particular focus on mental health.
To achieve this, we are working with our local partners to strengthen the healthcare system's capacity to deal with mental health issues. In practical terms, this means lobbying for mental health care to be integrated into national policies. Healthcare staff are trained to improve medical and psychological care for patients. Finally, community mental health focal points are also supported and trained.
We also work within communities, with mass awareness-raising activities to reduce the stigma attached to mental illness. Discussion groups aimed at mutual support and social reintegration of sufferers are set up and run. We also work with schools on prevention and care for children in difficult family or psychological situations. Finally, to facilitate the reintegration of patients, particularly women and children, we support them in developing small-scale economic activities.
Partners : BADEC-Caritas Ngozi, ODEDIM-Caritas Muyinga, BDD-Caritas Bubanza

Our goal: Provide quality healthcare, with a particular focus on chronic noncommunicable diseases (diabetes and hypertension) and mental illness.
To achieve this, we work with our local partners to inform and educate communities about diabetes, hypertension and mental health. To support and listen to sufferers, we set up diabetic peer clubs and discussion groups.
We are also working to improve the quality of care, in particular by strengthening healthcare staff through training and local support. A number of healthcare structures are also receiving support in the form of medicines and equipment.
We also work alongside the provincial and local health authorities to supervise and support healthcare facilities.
Finally, we carry out advocacy work to improve the treatment of non-transmissible diseases in the country.
Partners :
- Division Provinciale de la santé Sud/Kivu « DPS S/K »
- Bureau Central de la Zone de santé de Bagira « BCZS/Bagira »
- Programme Katana « PK »
- Centre d’Appui Médico Psychosociale/ACAD « CAMPS »

Our goal: To help improve the well-being of street children in Kinshasa and Bukavu and enable them to become socially and professionally integrated and reunited with their families in the long term.
To achieve this, we work with our local partners to meet the children's basic needs by offering shelter, food and healthcare to those who need it.
We provide them with psychosocial support from a multi-disciplinary team (psychologists, social workers, etc.) who receive regular training to ensure the quality of their work.
We raise community awareness of children's rights and work to reunite these children with their families whenever possible.
At the same time, we support the socio-professional integration of young people living on the streets by guiding them in their choice of profession and offering them vocational training courses, both long and modular. We organise internships, incubations, apprenticeships with craftsmen and accompany these young people in their professional integration (employment or self-employment).
Partners :
- Lisanga Mpo ya Bokolisa Mboka/Ndako Ya Bbiso « NYB »
- Œuvre de Reclassement et de Protection des Enfants de la Rue « ORPER »
- Don Bosco Maison Papy
- Don Bosco Bukavu