Social Protection

Social Protection in Benin

Our objective is to facilitate access to quality healthcare for rural populations and the informal sector, by developing the mutualist movement and social protection at the community, regional, and national levels, in order to protect individuals against social risks that may push them into poverty.

To achieve this, in collaboration with our local partners, we support the national platforms of the Beninese mutualist movement, to ensure they harmonize their practices. We also advocate for the inclusion of the mutualist movement in the Universal Health Coverage scheme implemented by the government.

We also work with Health Mutual Unions to improve their technical capacities (including digitization and the use of information and communication technologies) and management in supporting their member mutuals. These actions also aim to improve the quality of care in accredited health centres.

At a more local level, we support community health mutuals in their general operation, as well as in awareness-raising activities. These structures are effective tools for preventing noncontagious diseases such as diabetes, as well as breast and cervical cancers. They also play a role in providing women with information on sexual and reproductive health.

We also ensure that the work carried out by health mutuals is coordinated with local Social and Solidarity Economy Initiatives.