Social protection

carnet de membre mutuel

Our aim is to facilitate access to quality healthcare for rural and informal sector populations by developing the mutual movement at community, regional and national levels.

To achieve this, we work with our local partners to support community health mutuals. This involves support for the governance and structuring of 7 mutual health organisations in the north of the country, as well as support for the health sector to improve the quality of care for mutual members. The national and regional federations, which lead and support the mutual movement and contribute to the process of setting up mutual associations in health districts, have also been strengthened.

In addition, we are carrying out community awareness campaigns. The aim is to promote mutual health insurance to encourage families and groups (social economy initiatives) to join. Mutual health insurance schemes are also used to inform women about sexually transmitted diseases, and to run mass screening campaigns for breast and cervical cancer.

Partner : UCODE-AMR