Human activities and environmental protection: a fragile balance

Submitted by admin on Tue 13/08/2024 - 09:52

For a number of years, Louvain Coopération has made environmental protection one of its key concerns. The difficulty of ecological projects lies in finding a balance between preserving a fragile natural environment and maintaining economic activity for local populations.

Today, the environmental dimension is present in every project we undertake. The challenge is twofold: to preserve natural resources that are vital for the planet and for biodiversity, but also to maintain a healthy environment and a productive natural environment for those who live and work there. But very often, preserving an environment and the resources it contains means a loss of income, at least in the short term, for its inhabitants. This loss can be catastrophic for families who find themselves in a state of permanent food and economic insecurity.

We therefore need to innovate and think about alternatives that can best preserve each stakeholder, including the natural components of an environment.