This training is an asset for a better future

Submitted by admin on Fri 09/08/2024 - 16:35

« It's important to train young people in this field, because we live in an agropastoral region with great potential for livestock farming and agriculture. Today, many young people have nothing to do, they can't find work, and sensible farming can provide them with an income. This training is an asset for a better future. Over the years, it has attracted more and more young people, because we try to make them understand that first and foremost, you have to eat, and that you can't live without agriculture and livestock farming. Previously, our training courses were very much focused on theory, but with the support of our partners, we have developed practical learning. Young people are much more interested because they learn in class and can then apply these theories in the fields. The pupils also receive courses in entrepreneurship, which prepare them to take charge of their own affairs through livestock rearing and other activities.

In the future, we want to turn the school into a production and learning unit where farmers and young people come to learn farming techniques. This would be a source of self-financing for the school and a plus for the households around the school, as they would be able to improve their farming techniques and productivity.

Generally speaking, we are putting the emphasis on sustainable agriculture because for years we have contributed to the destruction of our ecosystems and our environment with our farming practices. It is important to teach young people about agriculture that preserves their environment. With this approach, we are improving production while helping to safeguard the environment."