Eight years working alongside street children

Submitted by admin on Fri 09/08/2024 - 16:42

Since 2015, Louvain Coopération has been working with its local partners to support street children in the DRC. The aim: to support, but also to offer a future to these young people who have already suffered far too much.

In 2015, Louvain Coopération set up its first support and guidance project for street children, focusing on a psychosocial approach. Thanks to the work of partner reception centres, the children are initially welcomed, housed, fed and cared for... Work then begins with psychologists and street educators to try to alleviate the suffering linked to all the traumas they have already endured and to gradually reintegrate them into society.

A focus on the future

In eight years, this project has come a long way. In 2018, it was extended to South Kivu, with a reception centre in Bukavu. A mobile rescue team has also been set up in Kinshasa, scouring the streets of the capital in search of children in distress.