Agroecology and natural resources

Agroécologie et ressources naturelles

Our goal: Increase coverage of the basic socio-economic needs of local populations by improving their incomes, while managing ecosystems and agro-ecosystems sustainably and inclusively.

To achieve this, together with our local partners, we take part in research and promote agricultural innovations to solve problems linked to the activities of the beneficiaries. We experiment with and adapt the most relevant profitable and sustainable agro-ecological practices to their contexts.

We support the conservation of ecosystems and agro-ecosystems, in particular by supporting the development of agro-ecological principles in production activities, but also by promoting techniques for protecting and conserving soil and biodiversity. To the same end, we support agroforestry and reforestation initiatives.

We teach farmers to use the Environmental Integration Tool (EIT) producer and to respect the commitments they have made.

Partners : ASOP