The LC family is growing

The LC family is growing
Louvain Cooperation has decided to join forces with two other Belgian associations. This merger allows our three associations to strengthen their impact and develop new concrete and sustainable projects in favor of the communities we serve.
This October 22 will mark an important step in the evolution of our association. In order to strengthen our impact and optimize our resources to better serve the populations with whom we work, we have decided to join forces with those of two other associations: Geomoun and Rotary Clubs For Development.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Louvain Coopération approved the merger-absorption files of these two structures.
The NGO Rotary Clubs for Development is active in Kinshasa in the areas of mutual health insurance, eye care, support for children in street situations and the promotion of income-generating activities.
Geomoun carries out actions in Belgium, Benin, Haiti, Togo and Senegal, in the areas of citizenship education, community development and the rights of women and women and children.
Why this merger?
This decision stems from a common desire for more than 2 years to combine our strengths and skills to respond more effectively to the challenges we face. By combining our experiences and networks, we will be able to:
- Maximize the effectiveness of our projects in the field.
- To best support the target audiences of our actions
- Increase our possibilities for innovation and rapid response.
- Ensure more optimal management of resources.
- Expand our social base, our volume of activities and our capacity for action.
Projects, partners and staff?
The projects, staff and partners of Geomoun and Rotary Clubs For Development Development are fully part of the merger and also join Louvain Cooperation. We will expand the scope of our activities and our areas of intervention, particularly in Haiti, by continuing our desire to build, in a conscious and critical manner, a sustainable, equitable and united world.
Do you have any questions regarding this merger?
Consult our FAQ and if you don't find an answer there, contact Pascale Miller.