Togo: Join a mutual health insurance scheme to access healthcare

Togo 2023

Togo: Join a mutual health insurance scheme to access healthcare

Résaux sociaux

Our 2023 Activity Report is out! In this article, we present one of our projects in Togo.

In terms of social protection, we are actively supporting the development of the mutual movement in Togo in order to guarantee easier access to quality healthcare. This takes the form of advocacy and awareness-raising activities, while building the capacity of mutual insurance unions and federations. Passimsiue Pesse, a beneficiary of the Blitta mutual health insurance scheme, shares her experience with us.

I've been a beneficiary of the mutual health insurance scheme for six years now. I chose to join because I believe in the power of solidarity, and the mutual health insurance scheme raises our awareness of how to look after our children and get quality care. As mothers, we are reassured to know that if our child falls ill, we can count on the mutual health insurance scheme to cover the cost of treatment.

One day, my son was bitten by a snake and, fortunately, the mutual health insurance company acted quickly to take care of him. He was taken to hospital and received the necessary treatment. Treatment that I wouldn't have been able to pay for on my own. It's thanks to these mutual insurance companies that I didn't lose my child. They were a great help to me, even in later years, when I couldn't afford to deal with other health problems.

Mutual insurance companies also cover care for women during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as care for the newborn afterwards. This comprehensive cover is very reassuring for women. Many of us join mutual insurance companies in order to benefit from it.

It's essential that we continue to take action to reach out to the whole population. Personally, I'm involved in these awareness-raising efforts. As women, we form groups and organise information sessions to encourage those who have not yet joined the mutuals. It's an approach that works well.

Read our 2023 Activity Report

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