Yonas and Corentin reunited again


Yonas and Corentin reunited again

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We had left them as Yonas enjoyed the many wonders of India and Corentin, after a rocky start, had made it to Pakistan. Now they've reunited to explore Nepal. We invite you to discover some of their adventures!

They've been cycling towards Malaysia for 5 months now. Their journey hasn't been an easy one, but their motivation remains intact.

Yonas had continued his discovery of India. Corentin, on the other hand, had had a few mishaps in Pakistan, including detention by the army and food poisoning, making his journey complicated. Fortunately, all is well with him today!

After these events, our cyclists met up again in India to continue on to Nepal.

YOCO Nepal

After crossing the border, they benefited from a safari to a nature park in Bhimdatta where they were able to admire many of the animals of the region.

They explain their visit:"The highlight of the day was the rhino we got to see up close. It's a lot bigger than we imagined. We also saw lots of deer and swamp deer, peacocks, a crocodile, monkeys, wild pigs and quite a few pretty birds."

Then they arrived at an English-speaking school in Lamkichuha where they took part in various activities with the children (dancing, listening to Belgian and Nepalese music, etc.). They were also introduced to the local cuisine by a teacher: "The only downside was that the chicken was in a very, very spicy sauce. We couldn't refuse, we finished our plate, but it was a real struggle."

After this enriching experience, they reached a nature reserve inhabited by tigers and were able to observe several of them. It was an unforgettable moment for them:"It's really very impressive to see in real life, the stare is piercing, the eyes glow in the dark. Their roar startled us several times."

Following this, they continued on to Annapurna to begin a 6-day trek into the mountains, an ordeal they are currently overcoming.

They are getting closer and closer to their final destination and we will continue to update you on their progress.

Don't forget to support them and, through them, Louvain Coopération's projects in Cambodia. They are counting on you! Thank you.


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