To meet our recruiters
To meet our recruiters
Durant un mois, notre équipe sillonne les rues à votre rencontre pour vous proposer de soutenir nos projets.
Si vous souhaitez les rencontrer et leur poser vos questions, voici leur horaire de la semaine. Ils seront :
- Le 06/10 à la gare de Bruxelles Centrale
- Le 07/10 à Montgomery
- Le 08/10 au Carrefour de Watreloo et à la gare d’Etterbeek
- Le 09/10 au Carrefour de Waterloo et dans le centre de Mons
- Le 10/10 au Carrefour de Genval
D’avance, un grand merci pour votre soutien !
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Our 2023 Activity Report is out! In this article, we present one of our projects in Togo.
In terms of social protection, we are actively supporting the development of the… +
At a time when global food systems are facing unprecedented challenges, the diversification of knowledge is becoming imperative for the sustainable and equitable transformation… +
In Benin, Louvain Coopération stands as a shield to defend women's health, regardless of their financial means. At local level, we support community health mutuals in their… +
Louvain Cooperation attaches great importance to promoting the skills and rights of women in its international projects. This sustained attention to women is also reflected in… +
Where we left them, the two friends were trekking in Nepal along Annapurna. Since then, they have continued their journey and have just arrived in Laos. In a few weeks, they will… +
Worldwide, nearly one in three women are victims of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime (WHO). Many more of them still suffer psychological or economic violence.… +