Two innovative projects chosen for the Solidarity Fund!

fonds solidaire

Two innovative projects chosen for the Solidarity Fund!

Résaux sociaux

The Solidarity Fund is a call for projects aimed at UCLouvain students who have registered as Solidarity Students and wish to develop projects in Belgium or in the Global South. Last month, two projects were selected to benefit from the Fund.

MobileCare KINSHASA, the mobile clinic

MobileCare KINSHASA, the first project selected, is a mobile healthcare clinic and sexual health education programme for young people living on the streets of Kinshasa in the DRC. It was developed by Esthere Tchaleu and Kadjogbe Tchokpon.

This project presents a proactive and comprehensive approach to supporting street children by providing immediate access to primary healthcare via a mobile clinic. By focusing on mental health and sex education, the aim is to strengthen the psychological resilience of these children, thereby promoting their successful reintegration into society.

Valuing non-timber forest products

The second project selected is led by Armel Lekeufack and Marie Claude Bissa Ambombo. Its aim is to make improvements to the living conditions of women and young people by strengthening their skills in the value chain for adding value to non-timber forest products in NGoyla, located in the East Cameroon region.

The project aims to empower these two target groups, the main players in the non-timber forest product value chain. It focuses on teaching the best methods for collecting, processing and marketing these products, targeting the most vulnerable groups in particular. It will begin with a baseline study in order to adapt training to local contexts, and will end with a follow-up of people who have completed the training.

Congratulations and thank you to them for taking part!

Are you a student interested in learning more about our projects and the Fonds Solidaire? Don't hesitate to come along to our Solidarity Apéro.

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