Yonas and Corentin: the respective adventures of our cyclists

Yonas and Corentin: the respective adventures of our cyclists
Our two cyclists, Yonas and Corentin, are still continuing their journey towards the East. We left them in Iran, where they decided to separate temporarily. Let's discover some of their adventures!
For four months already, Yonas and Corentin have been driving towards the East. Together, they crossed thirteen countries, discovering a multitude of landscapes and cultures. Despite the challenges encountered along the way, their motivation remains intact!
Corentin and Iran
Corentin, for his part, began his journey in Iran and encountered some adventures: “Arrived at 3:30 a.m. in Tabriz in a snowstorm, it was quite difficult to find a tent site. Shortly after Tabriz, I received a message: phone blocked for lack of documents. I'm in the middle of nowhere and the next town is over 300 kilometers away and all under the snow." Fortunately, he met some wonderful residents who came to his aid and welcomed him before so that he can continue his journey.
After a stimulating desert crossing, our cyclist arrived in Isfahan, where the architecture and the inhabitants pleasantly surprised him: “Here the carpet sellers are not trying to sell you carpets but invite you to drinking tea and chatting. » In Shiraz, the ancient capital, his experience was also enriching on a cultural and historical level. He had the chance to visit Persepolis, something he had longed to do.
After a few visits without too much difficulty to other cities and some problems related to the renewal of his visa, Corentin can finally take the road to Pakistan.
Yonas and India
After arriving in India, Yonas immediately left to visit Delhi, where, according to him, “the fog is incredibly thick”, and where he was able to admire several temples. After a weekend in the city, he headed south, where he learned a lot about Indian culture in general (the food, the mentality, etc.): “The culture shock was enormous after Georgia. »
He therefore continued his visit to the cities of the south, discovering a multitude of incredible landscapes. He says he will return to Delhi after a few weeks.
We will continue to bring you news of their respective trips to Pakistan and India.
Don’t forget to support them and, through them, Louvain Cooperation’s projects in Cambodia. They are counting on you ! THANKS.