Louvain Cooperation in Louvain-la-Neige

Louvain Cooperation in Louvain-la-Neige
Like every year in the run-up to the festive season, Louvain-la-Neuve becomes Louvain-la-Neige. The Place de l'Université and the Grand Place will host no fewer than 80 wooden chalets, with Christmas gifts, decorative items, delicacies and much more. As every year, Louvain Coopération will be occupying a pop-up chalet for 4 days.
From 27 to 30 November, the NGO Louvain Coopération will once again be taking part in the Louvain-la-Neuve Christmas market. At the Place de l'Université, portraits and stories of children and young people living on the streets of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo will be on display.
Learning a trade, for a dignified future
On the African continent, more than one in four young people (around 72 million) have no access to school, training or employment. Two-thirds of them are young women.
It's high time this changed!
To give every young person a chance, we are developing training better suited to them and their background. Apprentices are then supported in developing profitable and sustainable economic activities, while paying particular attention to the socio-professional integration of young women.
In Kinshasa, over 25,000 children and young people live on the streets, without any resources. With our local partners, we are working alongside these young people, to help them build a better future for themselves.
As part of this project, young children are taken in, cared for, return to school and find a home. Teenagers, meanwhile, gain access to appropriate training and are then supported in creating a viable and dignified professional activity.
Louvain Coopération is launching a major fundraising campaign for this project.