The escape game as an educational tool

L’escape game comme outil pédagogique

The escape game as an educational tool

Résaux sociaux

A brand new escape game is set to open in the Neolovan city this November. But this is no classic escape game. It will focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, known as the SDGs.  

This project, supported by Louvain Coopération, the Maison du Développement Durable and UCLouvain, aims to raise young people's awareness of the challenges of sustainable development. As with all games of this type, the aim is to solve riddles as a team within a limited timeframe.

These riddles will cover sustainable development, with a focus on SDG 13 concerning measures to combat climate change and the link between this SDG and the social aspect of sustainable development, in particular the issue of North-South cooperation, through SDGs 10 (reduced inequalities) and 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals). This will provide a basis for tackling other SDGs as the game progresses. So it'll be a great way to have a good time while learning a lot about lots of crucial topics and issues facing our world. 

But raising awareness won't stop at the escape game. After the game, participants will be invited to join a Discord* server to encourage players to take action. Concrete solutions and actions will be put forward, both individually and collectively. Each participant is thus able to become an active citizen and a transmitter within his or her community after taking part in the game. 

These concrete actions will be adapted to the Louvain-La-Neuve area and the players in the ecological and social transition who are already present there. It is also envisaged that the local transition ASBLs will participate in running the Discord server to provide additional resources if necessary, and propose actions to server members (volunteering, activities...). 


You represent an association and would like to take part in this project? Contact us!

*Discord is a free messaging application enabling people with similar interests to share and communicate. 

This project is supported by the European Union and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation as part of the Mindchangers: regions and their young people commit to the planet and its inhabitants project. Its content is the sole responsibility of Louvain Coopération and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


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