Noncommunicable diseases

Maladies non-transmissibles

Our goal: Provide quality healthcare, with a particular focus on chronic noncommunicable diseases (diabetes and hypertension) and mental illness.

To achieve this, we work with our local partners to inform and educate communities about diabetes, hypertension and mental health. To support and listen to sufferers, we set up diabetic peer clubs and discussion groups.

We are also working to improve the quality of care, in particular by strengthening healthcare staff through training and local support. A number of healthcare structures are also receiving support in the form of medicines and equipment.

We also work alongside the provincial and local health authorities to supervise and support healthcare facilities.

Finally, we carry out advocacy work to improve the treatment of non-transmissible diseases in the country.

Partners : 

  • Division Provinciale de la santé Sud/Kivu « DPS S/K »
  • Bureau Central de la Zone de santé de Bagira « BCZS/Bagira »
  • Programme Katana « PK »
  • Centre d’Appui Médico Psychosociale/ACAD « CAMPS »