

Our goal is to improve the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services, as well as general prevention of noncontagious diseases, taking into account the differential impact on men and women in the regions of Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum.

To achieve this, in collaboration with our local partners, we focus on strengthening the institutional capacities of referral hospitals and health centres. We provide ongoing training to healthcare personnel on the management of mental illnesses, as well as to volunteers to improve social work at the community level.

Additionally, support groups for parents/guardians of patients and peer support groups are established. To destigmatize these illnesses, public and community information campaigns on noncontagious diseases and mental health are organized. We are also engaged in broader advocacy efforts, advocating for the rights of patients.

We develop holistic and multidisciplinary care for patients with mental health disorders.

We work on producing evidence-based information for program development and policy advocacy. To this end, we conduct surveys on knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

To successfully implement these actions, we foster collaborations with civil society organizations, institutions, and the Cambodian and international academic community.


  • Preventive Medicine Department (PMD)
  • Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (DMHSA)
  • Transcultural Psycho-social Organisation (TPO)
  • Social Services of Cambodia (SSC)
  • Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH)
  • Douleur Sans Frontières (DSF) Humanity and Inclusion (HI)
  • Saint Paul Institute (SPI) University of Washington (UW)
  • Chamkar Leu Referral Hospital