

Our aim is to develop sustainable and equitable food and farming systems through an integrated approach combining ecological and social principles to optimise interactions between plants, animals, people and the environment.

To achieve this, we work with our local partners to improve community resilience and local autonomy. This involves technical training in production methods that respect the principles of agroecology. Producers are given support and advice on managing their farms, processing and preserving agricultural produce and developing commercial channels. Access to inputs is facilitated, with a view to diversifying agricultural products. We also support agroforestry and reforestation, and work with families to develop small-scale economic activities to improve their incomes.

We are also working to build the capacity of local actors. This involves structuring and networking professional agricultural organisations, helping them to set up and manage common assets and funds, and building their technical, management and governance skills. We also support their representation at regional and national level.

Finally, we support the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of ecosystems, by raising farmers' awareness of the use of the Environmental Integration Tool (EIT), as well as raising community awareness of the impact of climate change.

Partners : F3M, CoopAgri, FIDEV, DRAE (Direction régionale de l’agriculture et de l’élevage) et DRICC (Direction régionale de l’industrie et du commerce).