DRC: Developing alternative sources of income for women mine workers

DRC: Developing alternative sources of income for women mine workers
Our 2023 Activity Report is out! In this article, we present one of our projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since February 2023, Louvain Coopération has been supporting projects run by Congolese Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), thanks to funding from the European Union. The SAIL programme provides local support for local CSOs, in particular through a national support office for local initiatives and a pool of coaches. A first cohort of projects has been selected for 2023. Augustin Bedidjo Djamugisa is head of the ‘Réseau des Femmes Engagées dans la Mine pour la Paix et Développement’. He gives his testimony.
Mining work is very arduous and particularly dangerous for women, who suffer rape and gender-based violence. The aim of our project is to improve the socio-economic living conditions of women working on the Djugu mining sites in Ituri Province, by setting up small-scale economic activities that are promising alternatives to mining work for women.
In concrete terms, the aim is to enable women to organise themselves within Rural Savings and Credit Associations (RSCAs), as well as informing and training them about alternative and less dangerous work opportunities. It is also important to inform them of their rights.
Louvain Coopération plays an essential role for our organisation, providing local support to help us achieve our objectives and expected results.
Currently, 200 women are involved in alternative economic activities, such as selling spiced beans, doughnuts, cassava flour, bread, etc. Some have opened small canteens. This enables them to meet their daily needs without having to carry out dangerous mining activities.